Media RelationsThe media, traditional and nontraditional, is inundated with PR people pushing for attention for their clients. WHC has cultivated media, blogger, and podcaster relationships in B2B and B2C spaces that allow our targeted and carefully crafted press releases, pitches and story ideas to be seen and heard before many others.

Media / Blogger Angle Development – At times, what a client perceives as newsworthy simply isn’t.  For example, few media outlets will report extensively on award wins, speaking engagements, or mid-level new hires. Angle development involves digging below to surface to uncover the hook that will entice the media. WHC understands what the press and bloggers want, when they want it, and how they want it.

Writing (copy, features) and EditingAll PR professionals should be good writers and editors. For clients, every piece of copy needs to complement the company’s key message and differentiators, while supporting the overall brand.  WHC often serves as the editorial department for clients, writing and editing copy for websites, blogs, e-blasts, bylines, Op-Ed pieces, e-newsletters, and marketing materials.

Interview PreparationWHC crafts preparation guides that walk clients through each interview.  It includes a list of anticipated media questions, suggestions on what subjects to touch on, and recommendations on areas to steer clear of, and how to do so.

Leveraging Social Media to Support Earned Media – Landing media hits is great, but the effort can’t stop there.  WHC works with each client to develop strategies (ex. social and email) to communicate hits to peers, clients/customers, and would-be clients/customers. This is an assertive way to build business using achieved earned media.

Influencer TargetingWHC identifies key influencers, and develops strategies to engage and forge a mutually-beneficial relationship between them and clients.

Message Development – An organization’s key message needs to be communicated every day, across all channels. It is a unified message that is repeated, and serves as the foundation of a client’s marketing initiatives. WHC studies each client, their business, and their organizational goals, and then crafts a key message that engages the target audience.

Strategic Communication – During a pitch meeting, a potential client was focused mainly on the number of press releases WHC would generate.  Wayne Henninger stated, “Press releases don’t work.”  The client, and, in truth, other WHC staffers sat back. Wayne further explained what he meant . . . press releases that announce nothing newsworthy are a waste of time and resources.  Of course, WHC believes in press releases, but there is a strategy to proper communications that goes far beyond press releases.  All communications vehicles, including press releases, need to be in concert . . . social, blog posts, website, copy, speaking, bylines, etc. Strategic communication is a process, a long term plan geared to meet the goals of the entire organization.

Employee Communications – Properly communicating with internal teams is as important as communicating to external entities like the media. WHC works with clients to communicate mergers, acquisitions, new business directions, new hires, name changes, crisis situations, new office locales, HR programs, and personnel departures.
Speech Writing – No matter the subject, each speech needs to complement the overarching client message, while also showcasing the speaker’s personality and unique business insights. Along with the client, WHC customizes speeches to make sure they are impactful, engaging, entertaining, and informative.
Speaking Coordination – Landing a speaking gig at an appropriate show, convention, or conference can further brand the client, but, more importantly, can place the client in front of those who can help drive business. WHC works with each client to identify spot-on speaking opportunities, develops unique topics, and then pitches those topics to event coordinators.